Friday, December 29, 2006


Alright... here we go...

Learn to belly dance, Stop taking Jerks & Idiots seriously when they try to hurt me, after all they are Jerks & Idiots, give away 50 things I don't need find a job that makes me happy, loose 50 kgs, be positive, get an apartment, take a picture every day, Go skydiving, make poverty history, Read more books, be more mature, exercise more, Spend less time fooling around on the net and more time actually working, stop drinking soda, Earn my masters from university, plant a garden, Buy my first home, save more money, Keep in Better Contact With the Friends I Have and Make New Friends, stop biting my nails, pass the bar exam, learn to drive better, Save $1000, host a big party, grow my hair long, eat less sugar, return everything I've borrowed and get back all the stuff I've lent, Stop comparing myself with others, regain my optimism, make people call me master, Try a new recipe each week, go on a road trip with no predetermined destination, read 50 books in a year start a book club, Practice Yoga, learn to draw, write more, buy more clothes, Pray daily, volunteer more often, compile a 100-things-about-me list, Spend more time with friends, save the world, Learn Spanish, do something that scares me, stop eating fast food, buy nice comfortable shoes, learn more about my heritage, live my life on my own terms, Learn to knit, Buy less stuff, take a walk everyday, leave this town, Re-read the Harry Potter books before the launch of Harry Potter 7!!

Well thats all the resolutions I can think of now...

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