Friday, January 5, 2007

Anti-ageing diet

Your best anti-ageing diet:
  • Choose organic fruit and vegetables .
  • Eat fresh produce within a day of purchase.
  • Eat three servings of fresh fruit per day .
  • Eat three servings of raw or lightly steamed vegetables per day.
  • Eat a large raw-food salad per day, including as wide a variety of plants as possible, eg fennel, chicory, mixed baby lettuce leaves, watercress, spinach, grated carrot, peas, tomato, cucumber, sweetcorn, grated beetroot, grated broccoli, nuts, seeds, etc .
  • Aim for colour on your plate – mix dark green, orange, yellow and red vegetables as much as possible.
  • Consider making liquidised soups from raw vegetables and just warming through before serving .
  • Avoid foods that are smoked, pickled or salted .
  • Eat a low-fat diet that provides fewer calories than you need so you slowly lose any excess weight.
  • Eat fewer foods of animal origin, especially red meat, and replace with fish and soybeans
  • Eat more wholegrain products.
  • Cut out all polyunsaturated fats, margarine, vegetable shortening and hydrogenated fats - only use olive oil or rapeseed oil.
  • Experiment with a semi-fast once a week in which you just eat small amounts of fruit/vegetables plus mineral water during the day.
  • Consider taking an antioxidant supplement.

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